How to configure Sbcglobal email SMTP settings and IMAP settings
By contacthelp999
at 2020-06-04
0 collector • 507 pageviews
User who have been involved with SBC Global may have been familiar with the advanced settings and service. If users are used with the server settings than it is now to move on to the new feature where users can setup their server for incoming and outgoing mails. With the following features users are able to use the service more efficiently. There are several steps which user will have to work with to configure with SMTP and IMAP settings. Follow the instructions given below.
· Users will have to make changes on the port as mentioned in the points below.
· IMAP port must be set to 993
· IMAP security must be set to SSL/TLS
· Next comes for the IMAP username and password.
· In the following field user will have to enter their credentials.
Apply the following settings and make sure to check for the details users enter. For more such information about SBC Global please let us know at our Sbcglobal
Customer Service Number 1-800-850-9663.
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