app name, tittle question
app name, tittle question
By yolo
at 2016-04-17
0 collector • 1043 pageviews
question about this. when i change the app name in string.xml its automatically change the header name. how not automatically change
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7 Replies | Last update 2016-04-17
Reply to #1 @lincanbin :
how about changing the font style? and mtoolbar.setlogo how can i put it on the right side because the logo is in left side.
Reply to #2 @dareme :
Do you mean to change the font size?
Reply to #3 @lincanbin :
font style. for example the font style is Arial Narrow i want to change it to Impact.
and mtoolbar.setlogo how can i put it on the right side because the logo is in left side.